"How generous are you willing to be? How generous are you willing to be with your whole life? Will you share yourself with us? With the world? Do you dare? Or are you just going to hold yourself tightly in, hold these long arms and legs all to yourself?
"Are you just going to be stingy? Just keep yourself to yourself for the rest of your life? In case you fall? In case you fail? In case you make a fool of yourself? In case we see how imperfect you are?
"OR: are you going to choose to just be generous anyway? To just take up as much space as you actually take up? To be as big, as graceful, as long, as gorgeous, as enormous as you actually are?"
But honestly. Ask yourselves, how generous are you willing to be? How generous are you willing to be with your time? Your voice? Your talents? With who you are? You are the best best of the best. Are you doubting yourself? Don't. Because you truly contribute much to all around you. Nothing goes unnoticed. You may be imperfect and scared that one day everyone will see. But we already know. We already know that you are not perfect. You are human at this point in time. So are we. So am I. So go ahead and take as much space as you actually take up and more, and in the process see the light in you and in others and treat them as if that is all you see. Your success is found in your daily routine.
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